Saturday, May 5, 2012

Gangaramaya Temple goes to Portsmouth

My photo of Gangaramaya Temple in Colombo, Sri Lanka was chosen for a juried exhibit at the Portsmouth, Rhode Island Arts Guild. I am honored to have had one of my images selected, in the company of some very accomplished photographers.
I had stumbled on this temple when I visited a Buddha museum in Colombo. The museum is a hodgepodge collection of memorabilia and gifts loosely connected to a Buddha theme. Very little was labeled - or displayed - for that matter. The dark cases contained a jumble of items, neither particularly well lit, nor available for view. The Temple is in a courtyard near the museum and is a delightful, serene, spacious place. I don't know why there was a saffron sash draped over only one of the statues, but I thought it was an eye-popper. It reminded me of those software programs where you can color a spot on a black and white photo. Except that this is real.