Saturday, October 14, 2017

Stumbling Onto Pre-Wedding Photography in Santorini

Santorini is gorgeous. It is a photographer's dream. It is stunningly sunkissed, blindingly white and dreamy blue. Naturally, as soon as I dumped my suitcase, I took my camera and my husband for a walk. We were staying in the town of Oia (prounced "EE-Ya"), which is the icon's icon of a hilltop town crusted with white dwellings overlooking the Aegean Sea. It is even more gorgeous than it looks in photos.

Oia's main walking street fills with crowds of tourists mid-day, as day trippers from cruise ships rush through, clicking cameras and cell phones, trying to capture the special feeling of being there.

As we strolled along, or shall I say, jostled along, the narrow walking street in Oia, we passed a bride and groom walking in the other direction.

I thought it odd to see a couple in their wedding clothes just after lunch on a Thursday, not accompanied by a throng of family or friends. Strange, I thought. Maybe they eloped? Not more than five minutes later, another couple in full wedding dress walked by. This time I stopped. I charade-motioned to them, asking if it was ok to take their photo. They consented and smiled broadly. These appeared to be alone, except for a photographer with large and professional-looking equipment draped on his shoulders.

When my husband and I reached our destination -- the Castle of Saint Nikolas, on a precipice at the end of Oia's walking street, we encountered a third couple in wedding clothes, also posing for professional photos.

It took three of these encounters to figure it out.  Apparently, we stumbled into the trend of pre-wedding travel photos, where engaged couples travel the world to have their pictures taken.  They hire a photographer to follow them around and produce a montage to be shown at their wedding.  

We watched this photo shoot. The bride got quite a workout in her hoop skirt, climbing the rocky steps and walls. 

She is not looking very happy.  I hope they find somewhere good to go for their honeymoon.