Monday, June 24, 2013

China: Cheap. Cheap.

The outer perimeter of Tien An Men Square in Beijing is teeming with tourist buses and with vendors holding armfuls of souvenirs for sale. The first asking price was often five times what the seller expected.  As I walked away from the square, I was followed by a man thrusting baseball caps and straw toys at me for my attention and my money. An olive green hat with a red star was "Fie dollah for hat,  lady". I politely shook my head no. He persisted, repeated, running alongside me, trying to keep the hat at my eye level in front of me. After many repetitions and lots of little prancing steps, he switched.  
"OK lady, cheaper.  You don't like one hat for fie dollah? How about fie hats for one dollah?"  

Some guys simply start their pitches with "Cheaper, Cheaper".