Monday, June 24, 2013

I can't believe my blog is blocked in China!

Before going to China earlier this month, I had a vague awareness that Facebook was blocked in China. It would have been nice and easy to put up a photo and post a couple of words commenting on my travels in China. Nope. I knew that Google was blocked in China. And, after typing "Facebook" into a Yahoo browser, the progress wheel spun around ineffectively and failed to connect. I got in to my gmail account by going through Yahoo.  And, I found this hard to believe--my own worldgrazer blog is blocked. Maybe because the Chinese government dislikes the blogspot host? After a couple of tries, the farthest I could get toward worldgrazer was an error message, "The operation couldn't be completed". Wow. I am going to post this experience when I get back to the USA. 

The T-Shirt vendor calls this "Mao-Bama"